Take a Tour of Our Plant
raising the standard
What We Believe
We believe success need not - and should not - come from the exploitation of others. The current system, with its multi-level sourcing chain, puts strong pressure on lowering wages at the factories. We believe there's a better way - for both garment workers and customers.
Who We Are
Standard Apparel is a fully vertical company under single ownership. We manage cut, sew & garment dyeing within one streamlined operation in Honduras. With our Philadelphia sales office, you get the benefits of a sourcing agent without the mark-up. You'll only deal with us.
What We Do
We offer full package services and contract garment dyeing, as well as a premium blanks collection. We're on the cutting edge of garment dyeing trends and the latest wash techniques in the fashion industry. Let's work together to create exactly what your customers want.
The Pueblo Collection
The Pueblo Collection is our affordable, fashionable blanks collection. Our garments have gorgeous color saturation, softer feel and a unique "lived in" look, like an old favorite shirt from day one.
This collection will give you a sense of Standard Apparel's capabilities - showcasing the beauty and character of garment dyeing with unique thread details, fabrics and wash techniques.